"Thirty-five and ye still believe in goblins?"

"You are rather like a child" Alan said, but he didn't sound scornful, and his tight mouth had relaxed. " I skipped that part o'life. So I decided to try again when I can". Meet two VERY different from each other characters. The stone-cold-and-composed at first sight Sir Alan and the easy-going-I -always -have-something-to-say boy from the streets Jem. The meet accidentally and the irresistible charms of our Jem capture Alan's attention immediately. The book starts with a very intriguing dialogue between the two of them that got me hooked from page one. But I'll be honest- I didn't like Jem much at first. I thought he lacks dignity.I know, I know... However, as the action unfolded and our characters had a very difficult task ahead, he won my respect and trust with the way he cooped with the situation and the risks he took. Overall, this is a very good historical novel with lovable characters, who don't get their happy ending easily. Oh, and there is a story about a goblin. |